Join in on genealogy related twitter chats! Find twitter chats and learn how to join right in with other like minded genealogy researchers.
Genealogy Research

31 Days of “Out of the Box” Genealogy Tips – Twitter Chats

July 2018 is completely focused on providing you with genealogy tips that are …..well,….”out of the box“.

Welcome to DAY 16 of the 31 Days of “Out of the BoxGenealogy Tips series! Need to start at the beginning of the series or catch up? Start here.

DAY 16 – Join  Twitter Chats!

Ever wonder  if using Twitter could help your genealogy?

Twitter and genealogy together mean social collaboration with other genealogists!

Genealogy focused Twitter chats are usually an hour or so long and focus on a specific topic related to research. For example, the #Genchat Twitter chats have focused recently on NARA, female ancestors and planning an ancestral tour.

Joining in a genealogy focused Twitter chat you can:

  • Meet other genealogy researchers like yourselves.
  • Ask your questions!
  • Answer other researchers’ questions.
  • Learn about new-to-you resources and topics!
  • Network genealogy style!

Intrigued?  Want to join in your first Twitter chat but not sure how?  Learn how to participate in a Twitter chat here. Don’t worry if you feel a bit overwhelmed by your first couple of Twitter chats.  I know I did. With a little time, you’ll get the hang of it with no problem.

Genealogy Twitter Chat Recommendations!

I’m sharing with you my two favorite genealogy related Twitter chats.

  • #Genchat – Find the #genchat Twitter chat schedule here.   #Genchat happens every other Friday night at 10:00 PM (EST).  Be sure and join in on 31 August 2018 when I will be facilitating the chat on Genealogy + Pinterest. #Genchat - A favorite Twitter Chat
  • #AncestryHour Happens every Tuesday at 3:00 PM (EST)/ 7:00 PM (GMT). Enjoy chatting with all levels of genealogy researchers from around the world.

Now It’s Your Turn!

Join in a Twitter Chat!

Check out previous posts in the 31 Days of Out of the Box Genealogy Tips:


Pin for Future Reference!

Join in on genealogy related twitter chats! Find twitter chats and learn how to join right in with other like minded genealogy researchers. #genealogy #twitterchat #areyoumycousin #familyhistory #ancestors
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