Facebook Groups can be a valuable tool in your genealogy toolbox. Find and join a Facebook group and network genealogy style. #genealogy #genealogytips #areyoumycousin #ancestors #familyhistory
How To Trace Your Family Tree

31 Days of “Out of the Box” Genealogy Tips – Facebook Groups

July 2018 is completely focused on providing you with genealogy tips that are …..well,….”out of the box“.

Welcome to DAY 9 of the 31 Days of “Out of the BoxGenealogy Tips series! Need to start at the beginning of the series or catch up? Start here.

DAY 9 – Join a Facebook Group!

Social media has a way of bringing genealogy researchers together. Facebook groups are a great way to bring researchers who are interested in specific research topics together for discussion in an online forum. Some groups are simply focused on general genealogy topics while others are focused on more specific topics.

Specific topics might include:

  • A surname
  • A location such as a specific county or a state
  • An Ethnicity
  • A Genealogy topic such as DNA research

How to Find a Facebook Group

To find a Facebook group, simply search the groups by using the search bar at the top of the Facebook page.

Once you find a group you are interested in, request to join.

Be an active member! Ask your research questions, but also answer others’ questions, too.

Tip: Do not join too many groups at a time.  It is very difficult to be active in too many at once.

Which Facebook Group(s) will you join?

Check out previous posts in the 31 Days of Out of the Box Genealogy Tips:


Pin for Future Reference!

Facebook Groups can be a valuable tool in your genealogy toolbox. Find and join a Facebook group and network genealogy style. #genealogy #genealogytips #areyoumycousin #ancestors #familyhistory

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