3 Surprising Places to Find Your Ancestor’s Lost Maiden Name
Struggling to find your female ancestor's maiden name? Experienced genealogists know that vital records only tell part of the story. This research guide reveals proven strategies for finding maiden names in unexpected places - from religious newspapers to overlooked cemetery records. Get actionable tips to find your ancestor's maiden name.
15 Quick Genealogy Tasks To Do in 15 Minutes
Short on time but want to research your family history? Get more done with these quick genealogy tasks, each designed to take just 15 minutes. From organizing digital records to connecting with DNA matches, these practical strategies help you make steady progress on your family tree, even with a busy schedule.
How to Use the Ancestry Mobile App To Research On the Go
The Ancestry mobile app lets you research your family history during brief moments in your day. Make discoveries while waiting in lines, sitting at appointments, or during your lunch break. Learn to navigate your family tree, evaluate record hints, and update ancestor profiles from your phone. This guide shows you how to maintain good research practices with mobile tools, helping you build your family history research in small steps throughout your day.
Back Up Your Genealogy Research (Before It’s Too Late)
Is your genealogy research protected from disaster? Learn essential backup strategies using the professional 3-2-1 method: three copies of your data on two different types of media, with one copy stored offsite. Discover modern solutions for both cloud and local storage to keep your family history safe for future generations.