Genealogy Tools
Having a good set of genealogy tools and gadgets helps to ensure you find your ancestors efficiently. Explore both genealogy and non-genealogy options. Having great genealogy tools in your research toolbox ensures you become an efficient and successful researcher. Fantastic software exists for the genealogy researcher to use to build a family tree or search far away records. Researching on the go? Explore genealogy apps to ease your search. Bonus: Many apps will sync across your devices making genealogy research a breeze where ever you go. So many smartphone apps are available to assist you in your research. The Best Genealogy Apps To Keep You Organized highlights some of my favorites. Looking to further your genealogy education? Many great podcasts are available and are perfect for long car rides or when working out at the gym. But did you know some great tools to use in your genealogy research are not specific to genealogy researchers? Some of the best genealogy project management and organizational tools are not specific to genealogy researchers. Best of all, many are free to use. Learn how to use them to your advantage. Learn to use Google Books in this post How To Find & Use Google Books For Genealogy Research. Tip: Google has a host of great products to use absolutely free. Learn how WordCat will benefit your genealogy research. Or learn how to get more out of your genealogy searches. Many researchers are not taking advantage of the different variety of searchers available. You might be surprised at what you are missing.
Time Saving Apps For Genealogy Researchers
Genealogy research takes time. No one will deny that. One clue leads us to the next and the next and we just keep researching. We break through one brick wall only to be confronted by another time consuming brick wall. A “quick look up” turns into 2 hours of researching….. Dinner is late again! Yes, genealogy research does take time. But…. Are you utilizing good time saving research techniques and apps? Time Saving Apps For Genealogy Researchers Your best time timing research tool is your genealogy research plan. We have discussed in other posts the importance of being clear on your research objective to ensure research success and efficiency. Now…
Tutorial: The Member Directory
Researching our ancestors often requires collaboration from other researchers. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Have you had the experience of attending a genealogy event in person? If you have, then you know some of the best learning and inspiration comes from talking with other researchers. You compare notes. You share your successes and your brick walls. And often….. Your next research inspiration comes from something another researcher says. Outside of a conference, where do you find other genealogy researchers with the same interests or researching the same lines? How to Use the Member Directory Note: Most of the large genealogy databases have a type of member directory to facilitate research…
4 Facebook Strategies for Your Genealogy
Facebook and genealogy research together? Absolutely! Learn 4 ways you can include Facebook as part of your family history.
How To Use PicMonkey to Decipher Gravestones
Old gravestones of our ancestors can be difficult to read. Learn how to use the photo editing website to make photographs of the gravestones more readable.