I Twitter-ized Another Ancestor
I twitter-ized another ancestor!
I first twitter-ized my grandmother Cecile White Howard a couple of months ago. I had discovered (as many genealogists do) that my family really was not interested in a long in-depth story about our ancestors. What they want (think teens here!) is a quick snippet or overview.
I took up the challenge again:
Could I impart enough information about my great grandmother Stella White in 140 characters to spark a family member’s interest in future conversations?
Stella Holyfield White was my great grandmother and the mother of Cecile White Howard. What are the important aspects of her life that I can share in 140 characters?
The Result:
Stella Holyfield White – The Twitter Version
G’mother White, Mother to Cecile, wife of James Abe, lived in Dobson, farm wife, 11 children, great cook, long hair wrapped in braid.
This exercise proved tougher than I thought it would be. Much of what I know about Grandmother White is through my research and also my memories. My memories are from a child’s prospective and when I knew her she was a very elderly woman. There are many in my family who knew her much better than I.
Cousins, Your challenge?
Twitter-ize Stella White using your memories.
Let’s learn more about our family together.
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