Desperate to engage young adults in their family history? Challenge them to "twitter-ize" an ancestor!
Genealogy Tools

I Twitter-ized My Ancestor!

I love sharing stories about my ancestors.  I don’t know many genealogists or family historians who do not.

The problem?

Most people do not want to hear an hour long summary of my ancestor. Or a 10 minute summary. Or a 5 minute summary…(think teenagers.)

It seems most family members want a “quick version” when asking about an ancestor (think teenagers again!).  In terms of social media, people want the twitter version, not the blog post version.

For example, when my teenager asked me about this photograph of my grandmother Cecile White Howard, he wasn’t asking for her entire life history. He was simply asking who she was. On some level, he was also asking where in the context of the family history does this woman fit. (At least that’s what I like to think.)

Cecile White Howard

 The challenge:

Could I impart enough information about my grandmother in 140 characters to peak a family member’s interest in future conversations?

The result:

Cecile White Howard – The Twitter Version

G’mom Cecile, G’mom’s mother, red head, wedding photo, made candy, great cook, smiled a lot, played board games w grandkids

Short, sweet and under 140 characters.

A conversation starter.

I think my grandmother would like the results.  I know my family does.

Can YOU “twitter-ize” your ancestors? 

Share your versions in the comments.


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Desperate to engage young adults in their family history? Challenge them to "twitter-ize" an ancestor!
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