Genealogy Research
Explore genealogy research articles and how-to tutorials designed to help you trace your ancestors and grow your family tree.
“Don’t Miss” MyHeritage Features – Getting the MOST From Your Search
Embark on an enriching journey into your family's history with the power of MyHeritage. Delve into a vast collection of records, leverage advanced DNA testing, collaborate on family trees, and utilize powerful research tools. Discover the fascinating stories of your ancestors and unlock the hidden chapters of your heritage. Explore our blog post to learn more about how MyHeritage can help you unravel your family's history and connect with your roots. Start your genealogical adventure today!
How To Find Your Next Genealogy Education Opportunity
Attending a genealogy conference - big or small- is a great way to further your genealogy education. But.... not everyone can attend a live event in person. Work, cost, and family obligations can send the genealogy researcher to seek educational opportunities online. These come in all forms - webinars, blog posts, videos, e-courses. Explore a variety of opportunities to sharpen your skills.
9 Tips to Have the BEST RootsTech 2023 Experience
Learn tips to get the most out of RootsTech 2023 whether attending in person or virutally! Genealogy lectures, the expo hall and so much more! Way back when I attended my very first genealogy conference, I was a newbie. I was brand new to genealogy research, but eager to learn all I could to find my ancestors and grow my family tree. I signed up to attend a National Genealogical Society conference that was 4 days of lectures, an expo hall and a chance to talk to people whose eyes did not glaze over at the mention of the ancestors. Yes, these were my people. I did not want to waste…
How To Confidently Find Your Ancestor’s Marriage Records
Searching for your ancestor's marriage records can be tough. Where should you look? Learn to confidently search for a couple's marriage record and grow your family tree.