Organize Your Genealogy
You are not far into your research when you realize you desperately need to organize your genealogy research!
But how?
You have digital files, paper files, AND photographs. Information on your ancestors can quickly become overwhelming!
Taking time at the beginning of your genealogy adventure - I mean research! - to set up your organization system will save you time in the future. You will immediately be able to find previously researched files. That leaves more time for genealogy research!
What is the best way to organize your genealogy files? The best organization system is one you will use. I recommend starting with the post What You Need To Know To Organize Your Genealogy.
Need more in depth help? Check out my consultation page.
Check out the Are You My Cousin? Facebook page to keep learning!
Explore these links to posts on genealogy organization:
3 Powerful Time-Saving Tips for Successful Genealogy Research
This post contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here. Genealogy research is time consuming. No one will dispute that. Part of the problem is us, though. (Notice I’m including myself here, too.) We fail to make the best use of our time while researching. Let’s take a closer look at how we can save time and be more productive researchers. 3 Powerful Time-Saving Tips for Successful Genealogy Research! 1. Use a Timer! Now I know this seems very simplistic, but that’s why a using a timer works! Do you only have 20 minutes to research? Set the timer for 20 minutes. This does 2 things: As a bonus…
How To Organize Genealogy Research On The Go
Researching genealogy often begins online, but you do not have to get too far into your research to realize an important aspect of genealogy research: Often records you need to to break through a brick wall or simply progress to the next generation back are not online. That means ….time for a genealogy road trip! How To Organize Genealogy Research On The Go One of the most important parts of organizing your genealogy research trip is what you do BEFORE you leave home. Your preparation is the most important factors in whether your research trip is successful or not. Sometimes travel to a needed repository is not feasible. I understand…
How to Organize Genealogy Research – It’s A Round-UP!
How do I organize my genealogy research? is one of the most common questions and/or frustrations expressed by researchers. I understand. I am a recovering “organizing junkie”. I’ve tried multiple organizing systems and failed with most of these. I despaired if I would ever be an organized genealogist! I failed at all of these “perfect” organizing systems for one simple reason. They were not mine. I was trying to put my research into someone else’s system. Failure was sure to follow. How to Organize Genealogy Research Being a researcher, I researched genealogy organization systems. A little this one and a little of that one….. I kept what worked and tossed…
Using Flickr to Identify Your Ancestors
Flickr is fast becoming a favorite tool in my genealogy toolbox! If you are not familiar with it, Flickr is a free photo storage/sharing site. (There is a paid version, but the free version currently meets my needs.) With the free plan you can upload up to 1,000 photographs. The advantages of Flickr include: That’s 6 great reasons to use Flickr! But I have an even better reason….. I’m using Flickr to help identify all those unidentified individuals in my ancestors’ photographs. When I began researching my family’s genealogy, my relatives took that as a sign to clean out their closets! Finally, someone (me!) wanted all those photographs no one…