Heritage Travel
Wondering what your ancestor's life was like? Looking to connect more deeply with your ancestors? It's time to plan your first heritage travel experience!
Heritage travel has exploded in recent years. With the popularity of DNA testing and the discovery of one's ethnic origins, family history enthusiasts and travelers in general are seeking out the lands where their ancestors lived.
But do you have to travel overseas to experience our heritage? No! Heritage travel can be experienced close to home, too. Explore your ethnic heritage by making a culinary dish one weekend. Explore your heritage through music and dance. Visit a local museum dedicated to the area where your ancestors lived or a specific group of people.
When you are ready to take your travels overseas, find lots of resources to help! Start with Heritage Travel 101: How to Begin to Plan a Heritage Trip. Decide where you want to go and which ancestral homeland you want to visit. Will you take a private tour or do you prefer a group tour? Or....do you prefer creating your own tour?
Cemeteries always seem to be on the genealogist's "to see" list when traveling. Create your own cemetery tour and make sure you are getting all of the clues and stories from that cemetery and the family plot.
Visiting your ancestor's homeland - whether an hour down the road or across the ocean - add the travel plans to your research! Gain a new perspective on your ancestors and begin to connect on a deeper level to your family's past generations.
Genealogy Can (& Should) Be a Mulit-Sensory Experience
Experience genealogy and connect with your ancestors with all of your senses! See what they saw, taste what ate, hear what they heard! I love to travel, and am fortunate to have traveled quite a bit in my life. I’m up for most any kind of travel. I love long road trips and short trips. I love to experience the outdoors, and I can lose myself in the history of an area and its local museums. And, of course, you, dear readers, know my love of genealogy! If I can combine the two – genealogy + travel – even better! It’s travel to those out of the way places where…
The Perfect Family History Gifts For the Genealogy Lover
Family history gifts genealogy researchers really want! Thrill family with these unique heritage gift ideas. Your one-stop gift guide. Gift shopping can be difficult. Do you ever feel like you have run out of gift giving ideas just when the holidays or a birthday roll around? It’s okay, I do, too! If you have a family historian or genealogy enthusiast on your gift shopping list, I’ve got the perfect family history gift suggestions to jump start you shopping. Actually, I think you’ll like the list so much, you will find yourself shopping for yourself! Don’t worry, I won’t tell! The family history gift ideas below are great for any time…
Explore Your Culinary Heritage During Your Genealogy Tour
Discovering your culinary heritage provides insight into your ancestors’ lives and ethnic background. Find out what your ancestors ate. Food is a big part of our culture and heritage. Food unites us, and foods bond us. We may gather around a table as a family or we simply prepare and eat foods tradionally made in our families. Either food has a unique way of uniting family and friends. Think about the most important events or periods in your life- celebrations, losses, travels, transitions. A lot of those memories involve food, right? The foods we cook and eat tell stories of who we are and where we’ve been. The foods we…
Craft Your Own Cemetery Tours & Discover More About Your Ancestors
Cemetery tours are a critical part of genealogy research. Take a cemetery walk to learn more about your ancestors. Cemetery research is one of my favorite ways to learn about my ancestors. Because of this, my kids think I’m a bit weird. Okay, they are young adults, but I don’t think they share my love of cemeteries with their friends. Have you ever taken an actual cemetery tour? Your tour can be on your own in a small cemetery or a more formal tour with a guide. What You Can Learn From A Cemetery Tour Invariably, those of us who have gone on a heritage type trip to literally “walk…